Tori Blare

Tori Blare

Saturday, January 13, 2007


This is an article taken from the Liverpool subCulture blogspot.
Someone has written to the blog comment page and this has the merits of a story in its own right.

For more interesting facts on how your council is leaving you without local amenienties and spending your money on their own pleasures, see my previous posts and/or LIVERPOOL SUBCULTURE


Anonymous said...
to get serious for a should know that Sir Diddy has run as fast as his little legs will carry him to his solicitors, following the post on the henshaw evil cabal blog about the Guardian lecture. he is threatening writs, libel actions, injunctions, judiucial reviews and all kinds of other legal jiggery pokery to again try and close the blog down. his solicitors are brabners again. This has all come from a colleague of his wife (who is herself a nice person, given who she lives with). Sir Diddy is also apparently in regular contact with Mceilhenny and halsall and the three of them met for dinner before xmas at a hotel in Cheshire - but i doubt whether Diddy paid! One bizarre thing - he has also been talking to the cops to see if he can persuade them to do something. he says he is being persecuted! The irony of it! He is really worried about the Guardian lecture and whether anyone is going to take the piss out of him publicly in front of the great and the good and has seriously talked to someone from the guardian about improving security or pulling out! christ knows who he thinks he is. but his solicitors have advised him to carry on. He is apparently furious at Finnegan and the Tony Parrish campaign, which appears to have had a big impact at westminster amongst labour mps and in other local councils. according to the girls, henshaw is afraid that he is now regarded as being completely persona non grata and worries constantly about important people snubbing him. which must be true!
but the best news is this - they are talking about leaving liverpool and moving somewhere else! hurrah!
anyway, watch out for the lawyers lads - even though he is full of the usual bluster, you never know what he will do when he gets in a tizz. and he has got the money. will try to keep you up-dated on any other developments...

Thursday, January 11, 2007 2:34:00 PM

Posted by Tony Parrish47 at 2:35 PM

Labels: Henshaw, It's called Freedom of Speech stupid


Anonymous said...

he disappeared with 350 grand from the council taxpayers of liverpool - he deserves everything he gets.
Thursday, January 11, 2007 10:24:00 PM

Judge John Deeds said...

agreed. i think Sir diddy has escaped extremely lightly so far. If i were Finney/TP i would have pursued him to the ends of the earth. or at the very least punched him smartly on the nose and slapped him across his balding little head. the cheeky little **** has got our money for being a blackmailer!
Thursday, January 11, 2007 10:31:00 PM

very pleased said...

What goes round comes round eh? - even those ghastly evil cabailsts are finding that out
Thursday, January 11, 2007 10:47:00 PM

Tony Parrish47 said...

To judge John - I don't think either Finneg/TP are violent men. I think both prefer just to make it clear to everyone exactly how evil Sir Diddy is and what damage he did.
Friday, January 12, 2007 11:01:00 AM

Tori Blare said...

You reap what you sew Henshaw you reap what you sew. He is worried that the "important people" know EXACTLY what the little squirt is and he can't get away with the puffa fish act with them.
The best form of punishment for this man is for him to totally understand that he is of no importance to anything.
How many blogs is he going to try and ban until he realises that we will just produce another one?
Friday, January 12, 2007 4:19:00 PM

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